I'm confused what to call myself now.
I don't think I'm a post-mormon, because that means someone who has left and has dealt with the emotional consequences.
I don't think I'm an ex-mormon, because I still believe the pure gospel is true.
I don't know what to call myself.
I feel like the most appropriate title would be a still-believing-church-doubting-heartbroken-former-devout-unquestioning mormon.
But that's just a mouthful.
What I really am doing is discovering where my spirituality truly lies.
When I was younger, I found it in the quiet moments, when I was awake and alone in the middle of the night. I felt a closer connection to deity in those moments than any other. In the moments when the world is dark, it's easy to find the light in your own mind and heart.
I started learning to feel it in nature. In the things that surround me. That my soul craves fresh air and the freedom to breathe it.
Then I started to feel it in Yoga. This intense sensation of balance, that the world is moving around me and I am still, unmoving, just observing.
I still believe in faith. That faith and hope and charity are the most divine qualities a person can have. Basically, that believing in something, hoping for happiness and good things, and being nice to people are the main tenants of being a good person.
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