Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dear Mike

I've spent a lot of time thinking about you. About what we had, about who we were and who we are. And so I just have to tell you a few things. Not because I think it will change anything, because I don't. Not because I'm hoping or wishing for more. Just because it feels good to say it.

I've spent a few years thinking that whoever said "it is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all" was full of crap. And now, after more than 2 years, I think I get it.

They're right.

I've been going on tons of dates recently. And all of them prove one thing to me.

I loved you. There is a part of me that will never stop loving you. And, unfortunately, that part is big enough to make it impossible for me to give that much of my heart away again. If I did, it would stop beating. The next time I love, it will have to be less, or it will kill me.

So even if you never read this, and even if we never speak again, just let me say this: you are the satisfaction that lasts a lifetime. The amount of love I had for you was enough to last me for the rest of my days.

And that I would be happy living a celibate life, knowing that at one point, I loved.

I loved you.


  1. i loved and lost and loved again. the second love is not any less, it's more. it's hard to imagine that can happen but it can. i know from experience.

  2. and love, in the end, is a choice we make, and you will be able to make it again.

    or just date mike again... ;)
