Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Short skirts

I have a burning desire to write about today's DOMA ruling in the Supreme Court. (If you want to know the facts, see here.)

I also have a burning desire to write about my church's response, and how much it angered me. (If you would like to see the official statement, see here.)

But my thoughts are jumbled and full of heat of intellectual passion, and I need a few days to process them. Otherwise I'll just look like Miss Utah answering an interview question.

And to be honest, I am hesitant to post about the things I want to post about, because I don't want to offend people with my small liberations I'm taking from the lifestyle I lived when I was 100% in the church. I still take my religion very seriously, and I believe in the pure Gospel of Christ. I can't handle the organization that surrounds it, including the extremely patriarchal nature of the temple. (I believe that there are meant to be ordinances, but that something, somewhere, went wrong there.) I know this may differ from your views. Just know I respect yours. And I'm not trying to flout anyone's beliefs when I have some small celebrations.

It's been about a month since I removed my garments. And I still dress the same - same modesty standards, everything.

Today, however, I bought a skirt that hits about 3-4 inches above my knee.

It was on sale. And it looks DANG GOOD on me.

And that small act is so symbolic for me. There is nothing even remotely inappropriate or suggestive about the skirt. It is modest, and decent, and doesn't expose me. I'm just celebrating my ability to see modesty in a way that wasn't taught to me as a link to my personal relationship with God. I believe he cares more what's on the inside than the outside, and that my new skirt doesn't offend Him.

It's a step into what I believe is the next phase in my relationship with God, with my body, and with myself - where I don't have imposed standards that dictate my relationship with deity.

Anyway. I wanted to celebrate. Quietly, in my own little corner of the internet.

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